Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Last week, we were at a toy store playing, when Charlie saw a child sized set of metal golf clubs. These really, really intrigued him. Although I didn't allow him to bring them home, he was very interested. I explained that his Grandpa Bud and his Daddy could teach him how to play someday. This stuck in his head. He can't wait for that day! Then, later in the week, we went to another store that sold this learner plastic club and ball. Seeing that the price was right (I now understand why. It is already breaking.) I let him bring this one home. These are some pictures from his practice. He loves golf. 
 This picture is from far away because I had a particular spot that I was supposed to stand. I was off on the driveway, not on the lawn.

 After about 20 minutes, I was allowed to play with him. When it was my turn, Charlie went to sit down by this tree. He informed me that he was sitting in the front seat in this location.
This location is now the back seat. In the back were other kids that he sat by. Imaginary of course. I'm sure getting a kick out of watching his imagination take off.

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