Monday, April 16, 2012

Easter Weekend

I decided to return to work on a Thursday. It happened to be right before Easter. As Kaarin was already going to be here for a social gathering, my parents decided to come from Spokane for Easter and to watch the boys those two days. We were really appreciative for the help. I'm not sure if they were ready for what happened. Gabriel decided he really didn't want to take the bottle. At the same time, they witnessed an almost three year-old who doesn't like to sit down and play with his grandparents. They earned their keep with those two! I'd love to say that Gabriel has improved with his bottle taking. However, this is a slow process for him. Luckily, I have witnessed this once before. I know that eventually he will learn. I feel really bad for those trying to teach him how to take the bottle.

Anyway, here are a few pictures from Easter Weekend:

 Out to breakfast with Jack Kirkman, Judy Carr, Nonnie & Boppa, GG and Aunt Beth. Charlie decided one drink wasn't enough. He liked drinking milk and orange juice at the same time. Charlie has a bit of a crush on Judy. He had lots of fun watching the man make the juice with Judy. He has told that story a few times since this morning.
 After breakfast, we went to Jack and Judy's home for a little while. Jack brought out their tractor to give Charlie a ride. Here he is just after getting on. His eyes were huge when the tractor first came out. The tractor his grandpa Bud took him on didn't have this scooper on the front. I don't think he knew what to think at first.
 As you can see from this picture, he quickly got used to the scoop. Tom also took a turn driving the tractor. It was quite a thrill to be able to scoop dirt!
 The last time Judy offered to let Charlie water her plants, she came inside soaked. Charlie got a little carried away with the hose. This time she wisely chose plants that are outside.
 In looking for a picture to post of the two boys, I realized I didn't take any pictures of just the two of them in their Easter outfits. This is as close as I got. Not even a really good picture, but it has both of them.
 This was also Aunt Beth's first time to meet Gabriel. Silly me, I did not take a photo of these two that isn't with bed head for Bop. Sorry Bop. But, I needed to mark your first meeting of Gabriel.
 This year we had an Easter egg hunt in our yard. Charlie sure enjoyed searching for eggs. He was able to shake each egg and let us know what was in the eggs each time. Charlie was very much into Easter this year. He was certainly interested in the Easter Bunny. He had all kinds of questions: Is the Easter Bunny a boy or a girl? Where is the Easter Bunny's mom and dad? Where does the Easter Bunny sleep? All good questions. It made us realize that we didn't know too much about the Easter Bunny. So, we attempted to find some kids books on the religious meaning of Easter as well as the Easter Bunny. That helped us out.
Boppa indulged Charlie on some outdoor play while waiting for Easter dinner. It is too bad I caught the branch in this picture. It is obscuring Charlie's little smile.

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