Sunday, March 4, 2012

Two months and two years nine months...

Gabe is enjoying his bouncy chair quite a bit these days. Here is an example. 

I took the boys out to the mall as this picture attests, we survived. Charlie stayed in his stroller the whole time, so we ended the outing with a steamer and treat. I'm not amazing at self portraits, but you can see a little bit of Gabe in this photo.
 Here is a whole body shot. This kid was a huge flirt with me that day. He was smiling, chatting and continually raising his eye brows. I figure that is about as good as it gets for talking these days.
 Gabriel was finally able to meet his GG this past week. We really enjoyed spending time at Don and Wendy's house visiting all, but especially Grammy. This isn't a great photograph of Gabriel, who was sleeping at the time, but captures smiles on the older two.
 All the way to the Swanson house, Charlie talked about playing piano and guitar with GG. So, he was quite a happy guy that she obliged his wishes and spent a bit of time on the piano with him.

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