Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Time is flying by fast!!!

Well, my maternity leave is almost at an end. What a joy it has been to be home with these two amazing boys. That isn't to say that the adjustment to two children hasn't been a challenge, because it has. Or that Charlie is in an easy phase. Instead, he has entered a new phase of being naughty often and time is often filled with us needing to set boundaries for him and lots of time outs. No, it hasn't been all wine and roses. But, I have loved this time anyway and will truly miss being a stay-at-home mother. But, alas, next Thursday I'm expected back at Highline. So, I plan to soak in the next week with these two boys and relish our time together. 
 Gabriel is smiling all the time these days. He is also grunting, almost yelling and laughing in response to our interactions with him. He has also taken to "playing" with a few baby toys. I wouldn't say he is grabbing them yet, but he certainly loves it when I hold them up for him to look at. The above picture is an example of his beautiful smile.
 This picture makes me laugh. Plus, he looks so big in this shot! Charlie is hoping he will like the guitar as much as he does. So, the clothing was purchased to inspire Gabriel.
 Last Wednesday, Tom took the morning off. He has been putting in lots of night and weekend hours, so this was extra special to have him home. As it was a sunny day, we were able to go on a family walk. On the way home, we stopped in this church parking lot for some play time. These two chased each other all over the lot, laughing the whole time. Gabriel slept through the whole thing. I know there will be a day soon where he is joining in with his older brother and dad. I can't wait!
Later that same day, I took the two young boys down to the Des Moines beach and marina. This is a place I used to take Charlie all the time when he was little. This time he not only wanted to walk on the beach, but as you can see, toss large rocks and sticks into the water. Charlie went straight into the bath when we returned home. He was soaked!

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