Thursday, December 29, 2011

Pre-Christmas Moments

Here are a few pictures from late November and December. We had lots of fun celebrating Thanksgiving this year at Aunt Wendy andUncle Don's home on Lake Tapps. Below is a picture of Charlie with Don looking at the boat. Charlie loved the boat, but did not want to climb inside.
 One Monday Charlie and I decide to make sugar cookies. He impressed me with his rolling skills as wells ability to cut out the cookies. He is becoming my baking and cooking assistant chef and loving it!

After telling story after story (at his request), about getting a Christmas tree, the time finally came. Not quite certain it lived unto the stories of going into the woods to cut our own tree, but we did score a great tree.
 Tom and Charlie decorated the tree together. I sat, very pregnant watching.
 Tom took Charlie up to Seattle for a daddy/Charlie day. They both enjoyed the time together. I especially heard about the train ride into the city. Trains are what floats his boat these days. This is one shot from the day that is pretty dang cute.
 We received a package in the mail from Grandpa and Grandma Wagner for Christmas. We allowed Charlie to open a couple gifts before Christmas from the box. He sure was happy to open this truck.


  1. I'm impressed that you updated this so fast, Anna!!! They are really cute little guys, and it was really a memorable Christmas for all. Welcome to the world, Gabe. Hugs and kisses from us, too!

  2. Thanks. When family crosses the United States, I find it important to post some pictures so that they can be seen by those who can't be with us in person.
