Monday, November 28, 2011


We now have a two and a half year-old keeping us very occupied. Here are a few updates of what is happening around our home:

1) "I do it." -- This is a saying that we hear almost every 15 minutes.
2) Charlie loves to do the dishes and actually helped me clean out the dishwasher today by putting all the utensils away by himself!
3) Roughly 90% of the time he can correctly identify his left and right hand, feet, leg, arm, etc.
4) Charlie loves to play ball with his dad as well as race cars and choo-choo trains.
5) We have started to let Charlie watch a little TV and now he asks to watch cartoons about 15 times a day.
6) Charlie is very aware that his little brother is coming soon. He talks often about "baby brother", including where he will sleep, how he will hold him and more.
7) We have a very polite child, he says please and thank you almost all the time. He also likes to check in with us to see how we are doing by asking "how are you mommy or daddy?"
8) Charlie has lots of fun at daycare, but also really gets wound up for a mommy, Charlie day or a mommy, daddy, Charlie day as he calls them.
9) Charlie survived his first bout with Strep Throat. He came down with a 102 fever on my birthday (Nov 18th). As he kept pointing to his head saying it hurt, I called the doctor and they had us come in to visit. It was lucky we made the appointment as it turned out he needed antibiotics.

OK. I have to run, Charlie just woke up from his nap. Which reminds me, he is now always saying "Mommy, get me." when he arises. Pretty cute. This is often accompanied by "I want to read books. I want a steamer and snack."

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