A few weeks ago when Seattle was still trying to catch-up to summer, we had tickets for a very fun boy outing. Unfortunately, we were somewhat rained out from some of the outdoor activities, but not all the fun!
Charlie really didn't want to pose for photos on the train ride. In fact, when we got on the train, he asked to get off. So, it was with a little nervousness that we embarked on our trip.
Charlie was able to tour one of the old engines. Here he is posing and smiling near the wheels. This train was a highlight of our day.
Looking out the train window at the scenery going by. We went right by a train graveyard of sorts. Pretty cool to see that many trains up close.
Having fun on in the train displays. We were amazed at how many Thomas the Train items we could buy. We got out with one train and a painting book. We felt lucky.
Charlie wasn't sure what to think about getting a train tattoo on his hand. However, he really liked it in the week following the event and showing it off to friends and family.
Iselin loves trains, too, so it sounds like she and Charlie would get along famously! Our second baby is due the end of January/early February. How fun that our older and younger ones are so close in age.