Monday, May 26, 2014

Canning 2013

I spent a weekend with the boys in Yakima this past fall canning quarts and quarts of tomatoes. We had tons of fun and were very productive in our creations. Charlie was an amazing tomato washer. He washed almost every one of our tomatoes. Gabe did more playing than working. The following two photos are Aunt Kiki teaching the boys how to wash the tomatoes. Look at all those boxes! 

 Not quite done yet, but we are getting there!
 After the canning, we went out into the pears and acquired two boxes of pears to bring home with us. I dried many, made fruit leather and jam with tons of pears. The resulting effect was that we were battling fruit flies for roughly two months in our home. I learned to do this outside next time!
 I think this is such a funny picture. Charlie, Gabe and their cousin Levi were told to wait inside for the tractor to come. Gabe doesn't like begin smushed to the window.
This is a photo of Gabe's first tractor ride. He loved riding with Grandpa Bud!

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