Monday, May 20, 2013

Food, Glorious Food

Quite possibly we have one of the pickiest eaters on our hands. He never was one for a bottle. Just recently started drinking out of a sippy cup and cup and finally at about 14 to 15 months stopped eating only pureed food. This picky eating hasn't helped with keeping weight on his body. After roughly four months of ear infections and weight loss Gabe is down to about the 5th percentile for his age in weight. We keep trying to introduce new foods, but this doesn't always go well. However, after numerous bananas laid on his tray, he actually ate one yesterday. This brings me great hope that he may turn the corner on other fruits soon. 
 Wish I could remember what this was, but it looks yummy. I know it was the pureed phase as well as self feeding.
 French fries are his "go to" while out in a restaurant. We know he will eat this and usually only fries.
 Charlie took this picture and so it made it to the blog.

This picture makes me feel like he is so big already. Eating a snack outside on his own chair!
 Gabriel had quite the meal - watermelon, french fries and yogurt!
Today we headed to the Kent Water Park for a picnic. Gabe ate about everything - almost in the same order as Charlie. He loves to mimic his brother! I'm trying to take advantage of that at meal time.

Gabe's favorite foods:
  Watermelon, pomegranate seeds, toast, yogurt bites, veggie sticks, yogurt, peas, carrots, cereal,   chicken tacos, chicken nuggets, grapes, french fries, pirate booty

Gabe's least favorite:
  Avacado, noodles, apricots, almost every meal that we eat doesn't go in his mouth.

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