Thursday, December 6, 2012

October 20, 2012

For our wedding anniversary this year, we headed to Snoqualmie Falls for breakfast and visiting the water fall. This was the site of where Tom and I stayed on our return to Seattle after our wedding. What a different experience this time around, but certainly fun. 
 Charlie took this picture of us. He didn't catch Tom with his eyes open, but I decided to put this in anyway as we don't get too many pictures of just the two of us these days.
 The boys sat on their own side of the table for breakfast. It actually worked just great. This is one of the funnier pictures of Charlie from the day. What a funny face!
 Beautiful Snoqalmie Falls.
 Enjoying the mist of the falls.
Tom and his boys on a slippery rock. Charlie would have stayed on that rock all day if we had let him!

1 comment:

  1. great pictures. Lots of changes since that wedding day!
