Saturday, November 3, 2012

Spending time in airports in Philadelphia, Rochester and Chicago

Last month we learned that Tom's dads journey with AML was nearing its end. So, Tom left before us to spend some time with him. We left a few days later to visit as well. My mom was gracious enough to join me traveling across the US with two kids. Both were recovering from ear infections, so I was a bit nervous to get on airplanes. Charlie was super excited and was an amazing traveler. For the circumstances, Gabe did exceptionally well. With this said, this still was one of the longest days of my parenting life. Keeping a 9 month occupied and held for over 5 hours isn't easy. Thanks mom for your help!!!
 This was taken in the Philadelphia airport. In an attempt to feed Charlie, I went and bought him a hotdog and chocolate shake. I was tired and gave in on the request for the shake. Really, it wasn't too surprising that he only wanted the shake. What was surprising was to look over and see that my mom had fed Gabriel the hot dog. This was his first hot dog and he ate almost an entire adult sized hotdog. Also on the trip, he ate french fries anywhere he could get his hands on them. I'm quite certain Tom has finally found another meat and potato guy.
 This is also the Philadelphia airport. Charlie went on an exploration here for planes with wings that bend up. I think this is the airport where he found three. If I remember correctly this is him showing us his tongue after a drink of chocolate shake.
 Both in Seattle and Rochester we happily were at gates right next to a kids play area. Both kids loved crawling/walking/running around these spots. I am a huge fan of these in airports!
This is a photo of my mom laughing at Gabriel eating the hot dog.

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