Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sun Days

We had a great spell of sun here over the past week. It was great fun to see how Gabriel reacted to sun. He hasn't seen much of it in his lifetime. Here are some shots from the five days of sun. The first is after a bath for Charlie. Charlie would take five baths a day if he could. He always wants lady diver in his bath. We now have a boy diver that is requested as well. 

Charlie is telling Gabe all about his bath. 
 We took a family outing last weekend to Pike's Street Market. We had breakfast at the Crumpet Shop. Charlie wasn't shy about licking his jam off his crumpet. He ate all his off and moved on to our spare crumpet. Funny guy!
 Charlie kept requesting that we see the water. So, we obliged and took him to this viewpoint. He loved it.
 Tom didn't tell me that I was walking around with my undershirt showing after nursing. So, please excuse me. However, I did want to show you all how Gabriel went around the market - in a sling. He slept the whole time, expect for a brief eating moment.
 This guy played several kid songs for our enjoyment. It also brought a little education moment. Charlie was very curious about why this man had a metal leg.
 We attempted another walk with the boys. This time was successful. We stayed out for over thirty minutes. While most people were watching the Super Bowl, this is what we were doing. Luckily, we taped the game and didn't see any scores on the TVs in homes we walked by!
I'm including this picture as it is one that Tom told me he likes how Gabriel looks. Gabe was very serious while sitting in the sun. He was happy for about 20 minutes, which is wonderful! For a change, he got his vitamin D the natural way.

1 comment:

  1. We've been having Seattle like weather here too so we've loved the sun today. Such cute pictures of my favorite two little boys.
