Sunday, February 26, 2012

Two Months old

Here are a few movies I shot the other day in an attempt to catch his chatting on video. As soon as the camera was in his face, he stopped talking and pretty much looked away. I want to share it anyway. There is also a little clip of Charlie at the very end. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Big Brother

One morning we turned this box into a bridge for the trains. Charlie truly enjoyed this project. Luckily, this paint washed off the floors easily. For the past week, this bridge has been a favorite toy. We will see how long it lasts. 
 This is a picture from breakfast this morning. I was attempting to show Charlie how much yogurt was on his face and head. He was one messy eater this morning. Luckily, he was easy to clean up.

Gabriel almost two months old

Here are some recent shots of Gabriel on his own. This first is on his changing table. He LOVES hanging out here and looking outside. This is the view I usually have of him on the table - his profile as he is turned towards the window. 

Here he is practicing tummy time. He is rather remarkable with his neck control and strength - says the bragging mom. 
 I can't seem to remember to keep his nails trimmed enough. However, his scratches are a good trigger of a reminder. This one was a big one.
 I actually caught almost a whole smile. He was smiling because I brought his changing table out to the front room and placed him on it. That thing brings a smile anywhere!


Over the last several weeks we have had some long-time friends come to visit us from far away. It was so fun to catch up with these friends as well as introduce Gabriel. The first is a picture of my dear friend, Angie. She and her boyfriend came all the way from San Jose for a weekend adventure in Seattle. We were so excited that we were their first stop on the trip! 
 Tom's long-time friend Matt and his girlfriend Sara were here this past weekend. Below is a picture I took with a crying Gabe in my arms, so it is a little blurry. However, Charlie enjoyed his bedtime stories read by both Matt and Sara. Both are excellent story readers!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Naked time

We love to do naked time around our home - at least with the little boys. I'm posting this video because I was able to get some of those cute baby sounds from Gabriel. I hope you enjoy.

I'm your big brother

I love listening to Charlie talk to Gabriel. Now, I get to share this with all of you as well.

First moments of life

I'm not certain if this is going to show off these clips the best. However, I can't figure out how to go back and take off the "theme" I picked for this movie. Several of these shots were inadvertently shot by Tom. He thought he was taking a still shot (still new camera), thus they are quite short.

Christmas Eve Guitar Playing

I have finally figured out how to post videos from my iPhone. (Thank you Kaarin for the tip) This first video is from the morning of Christmas Eve. I was trying to ignore the labor that I was feeling at this moment. That didn't last too much longer after I shot this video. This is a great example of our house these days. Charlie loves to play and sing music. We have another video that can't be show because of modesty sake, however this one works.

Sun Days

We had a great spell of sun here over the past week. It was great fun to see how Gabriel reacted to sun. He hasn't seen much of it in his lifetime. Here are some shots from the five days of sun. The first is after a bath for Charlie. Charlie would take five baths a day if he could. He always wants lady diver in his bath. We now have a boy diver that is requested as well. 

Charlie is telling Gabe all about his bath. 
 We took a family outing last weekend to Pike's Street Market. We had breakfast at the Crumpet Shop. Charlie wasn't shy about licking his jam off his crumpet. He ate all his off and moved on to our spare crumpet. Funny guy!
 Charlie kept requesting that we see the water. So, we obliged and took him to this viewpoint. He loved it.
 Tom didn't tell me that I was walking around with my undershirt showing after nursing. So, please excuse me. However, I did want to show you all how Gabriel went around the market - in a sling. He slept the whole time, expect for a brief eating moment.
 This guy played several kid songs for our enjoyment. It also brought a little education moment. Charlie was very curious about why this man had a metal leg.
 We attempted another walk with the boys. This time was successful. We stayed out for over thirty minutes. While most people were watching the Super Bowl, this is what we were doing. Luckily, we taped the game and didn't see any scores on the TVs in homes we walked by!
I'm including this picture as it is one that Tom told me he likes how Gabriel looks. Gabe was very serious while sitting in the sun. He was happy for about 20 minutes, which is wonderful! For a change, he got his vitamin D the natural way.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Enjoying eachother

Lately, I have really enjoyed watching Charlie with Gabriel. Gabriel is beginning to respond to us in new ways. Although, he still isn't able to jump up and play as Charlie would love, he is reacting more when Charlie talks and kisses him. Below are a few shots from these interactions. 

 Yesterday, Gabriel joined us at the breakfast table. He was added fun to our yummy pancakes with "Judy's syrup". Our friend Judy and Jack have provided this family with yummy meals since introducing us to Judy's homemade jam and this extra tasty fruit syrup.
 I can't believe how much these two are growing up! Gabe is a bit of a chunk these days, compared to his tiny baby days. He weighed in at our last doctor appointment (a week plus ago) at 10.2 pounds.
 I attempted to take the boys on a walk to the park this morning. Although the sun is shining, it turned out to be too cold and windy for us to stay out real long. This is an inherited stroller that is pretty cool in Charlie's eyes right now. Let's see if it lasts. He stayed in this the whole walk to the park and back!