Thursday, September 29, 2011

Buffalo Marina

Uncle Andy and Grandma were able to go on several outings with us while we visited. One of these was down to the water front. Charlie heard we were going to a "park", so kept asking where the slide and swings were. Instead, we bought tickets and toured the USS Sullivan. It was a little scary at times trying to get down the stairs, but we all survived. Charlie still talks about the man that was sick. We went into the sick bay and found a wounded soldier laying in the bed. There is no good way of explaining to a two year-old that he isn't real. Below is the gang of travelers, minus mom (Anna). 
 As you can see, Charlie is ready to fire the guns with his blankets and milk. Can't fire guns without milk and blankets.

This picture is included because Charlie really enjoys looking at this one. He says with a huge grin: "I'm driving and turning the wheel."
 This was a pretty cool thing to watch. The tug boat was a highlight that day.

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