Monday, May 30, 2011

Catch-Up Part 3

Tom and Charlie went to the zoo a few weeks ago for some male bonding time. This is a picture in front of the seals. From what I heard, they had lots of fun. They didn't get to see tons of animals because Charlie is now moving towards wanting to do everything on his own. So, walking between exhibits was the theme of the day for him. We are learning that one of his favorite sentences to say is "I do it." I guess this is what they mean by terrible twos. Independence is key!

We had our friend Mark spend the night with us this past month. Charlie really, really loves Mark. It took Mark a little while to warm up, but not to long after this picture, Charlie was on his lap.
Charlie was passed around during Mother's Day lunch. Here he is with Aunt Wendy and Uncle Don. They look pretty happy with him.


  1. Thanks for the updates, Anna--we really love catching up with cutie pie, who's fast becoming a big boy! Grandma Patsy

  2. Thanks for the updates, Anna--we really love catching up with cutie pie, who's fast becoming a big boy! Grandma Patsy
