Monday, December 13, 2010

Yarrow opened in Spokane!

My sister Beth, held an open house for her new yoga studio, Yarrow, in Spokane. Charlie and I flew over to join the festivities for the weekend. Charlie had tons of fun with his aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and great grandma. I wish I had a picture of everyone together. Since this weekend, I realize how much Charlie loves to play musical instruments. As you can see from the picture below, he had fun on the piano. He also really enjoyed the recorder.
The cousins posed for a few shots this day with a professional photographer. I didn't do too bad though with this shot.
This is how Charlie watched a good portion of a basketball game. His cousin Ella was playing in a co-ed game. This was the first experience with live basketball for Charlie. As you can tell, he really was engrossed.
Charlie with the big kids.

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