Monday, May 31, 2010

Grandparents backyard fun in Buffalo

The Seattle Wagner family just returned from eight days of family fun in Buffalo, NY. Tom really enjoyed introducing Charlie to his home town. The big highlight for us all was that Charlie got to meet his uncle Andy, Aunt Debbie and cousins Rachael and Nicole. I took many pictures, and will post several posts from our time together. First, Charlie was welcomed by exploring his grandparents backyard, watering cans, and bubbles that were purchased specially for him. Of course, all this was after we enjoyed our typical welcome home dinner of wings and pizza. Bring on the fried food!

Charlie would not let go of that orange watering can most of his trip. One would think that the bubbles Rachael has in her hands would put that can on the ground, but it didn't.

Grandma and Grandpa watching the fun.

Uncle Andy got to be an expert at putting those shoes back on the kid. They did not like to stay put! Tom and I really enjoyed seeing Andy as an uncle!

Charlie liked the big watering can as well. Tom put a few long grass pieces in at one point and the little guy got his arm stuck. So, we didn't do that any more.
His first look at bubbles. I have a feeling this would be his quote if he could speak: "Why do those darn things disappear when I try to pick them up?" Fun times.

1 comment:

  1. So much fun to see your pictures Anna. His serious little face in the family shot it a kill. Oh I love this little boy. Nonnie
