Charlie still loves his johnny jump up. He plays in this often now in the morning so Tom can take a shower before work.
He loves to play on the rug in our front room. His favorite toy right now is paper and a helium balloon. He lugs that baloon everywhere if we let him.
Grandma Patsy and Grandpa Bud came to visit. This overlapped with a brief visit from Aunt Kristin. I only got a cute shot with Grandma Patsy.
He won't look up when he is crawling. Here he is with his balloon.
I had to inlcude this picture with Tom. Don't they clash nicely? This is an infamous sweater that Tom pulls out every once in a while. Charlie doesn't seem to mind.
I loved these pictures of having fun at the Aquarium. You are right, Charlie has a wonderful Nonnie and Boppa! Love to you, Liz