Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Spokane & Newman Lake

Charlie had quite the adventure last weekend. First, he took his first ever plane ride. He acted like a pro as he was happy all but one moment and flirted with folks on the plane. We were able to time things right on the way there so that he nursed during take off and then he slept on the way home. It helps that it was only a 40 minute flight. While in Spokane, we met with GG (Grandma Dorie) and Auntie Marian and then headed to the family cabin on Newman. Charlie had so much fun with his extended family and being at the lake. Tom and my mom put him in the lake while I was out with my sister Kristin, so I missed his first dip into the lake. At the end of the weekend, we were finally able to meet Uncle Will and Erin. Yippee!! Charlie really enjoyed meeting them. The beard didn't throw him off at all. Here are a few pics from that trip.

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