Monday, December 21, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Charlie as Jesus
Not too many little boys can claim to have been Jesus. Charlie is one of the few. Then, Tom was pointed out that means that Tom is God and I am Mary. Our whole family was pretty famous yesterday. Charlie's Godmother was there also, so she too was feeling special. Anyway, all this to say that Charlie was Jesus in the childrens enacting of the Christmas story. He was a wonderful budding thespian. He had tons of fun sitting and observing the craziness around him. You see, there was only one lamb statue and all the children wanted to hold the statue. Jesus was cool, calm and collected. Here are a few pictures from his debut.
Seven Months
On the day Charlie turned seven months, we went to get a Christmas tree. This is a picture from that day. We thought he would be very interested in the tree with its lights. He could take or leave the tree. Not too interested. However, he really, really loved snacking on one of the ornaments. We are interested to see how he likes Christmas. He has already seen his gifts a few times, but I don't think it will spoil the suprise. Next year is another story...
Catch-up post
Over the past month, Charlie has continued to brighten our days with his smiles, laughs, and blue eyes. He also continues to show us his stubborn ways and determination. He gets so frustrated that he can't just get up and walk to get what he wants across the room. Apparently, this is what I was like as a baby. Now, I'm a grown stubborn woman who knows what she wants. So, let the battles begin! We continue to be so grateful for our friend Deb who watches Charlie three days a week. She is a saint to put up with our stubborn boy some days. Friday was one of those days as he was determined to cry no matter what as well as not take a bottle. Anyway, here are a few photos from the last few weeks. The one with Emmett is pretty funny. They are interacting more and more. Emmett is a bit more aggressive than Charlie.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Getting dirty and clean
What is better - rice cereal or bath? These are pretty much a tie in our household right now. Now that Charlie is six months, he has started on the road to eating big people food with rice cereal. He is starting to get how this works and has grown quite fond of the morning meal. He gets really excited and starts to grunt when he sees the bowl. It is pretty funny. Another moment of pure joy for him is his bathtime. We have a tub that fits him just right and have given him a few stacking toys in the tub. He squeals with delight during his bath when he doesn't have the cups in his mouth. Here are a few pics from both events.
Yakima during harvest
A little over a month ago, the Wagner family travelled to Yakima to visit Grandpa Bud, Grandma Patsty, Uncle Will and soon to be Aunt Erin! We had the added bonus of Eric being in Yakima, so we got to see him a bit also. We had lots of fun hanging around with family, making apple cider and visiting with Baku. Here are some pictures from that trip.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Supporters of Charlie
At St. Joe's for the Baptism
Father Paul Magnano Baptized Charlie after the 5:00 Mass. The baptism was so awesome. He had all who were present for the baptism gather at the front of the church in a semicircle around Charlie and his sponsors. The words were magical and meaningful. Charlie was so alert and responsive to what was happening around him and to him. We are so happy with how this baptism worked out. Charlie was supported by so many family and friends. This included his Godparents; Jack Praxel and Mia Baumgartner. Mia got to hold Charlie while he was baptized and then he was carried around to meet the body of Christ by Jack (i.e. dad to me).
Baptism Party
On September 19, 2009 Charlie Byron was Baptized at St. Joseph's Catholic Parish. Prior to the baptism we held a party for Charlie at our home. We had tons of fun having friends and family come over to help celebrate this sacred day for Charlie. He was a trooper and was really good. He is a social kid and loved playing with all that came. Here are a few shots from the party.
Grandpa and Grandma Wagner meet Charlie Byron!!!
The circle is complete...Charlie has met and gotten to know all his grandparents! We were blessed in September to have his "Buffalo Grandparents" come to see us. Tom was off work, so the four of them hung out together having fun. Charlie got an even better feel of Buffalo watching the football game (the picture with everyone on the couch). The sun kept shining during the trip, so we were able to take them to Fishermens Terminal for dinner with a sunny view of the boats. Charlie continued to be the most wonderful baby as he sat patiently watching us eat and enjoy ourselves. These two were sure easy, fun houseguests. We have heard a rumor that we may get the pleasure of their company again in Seattle. Isn't it funny what grandchildren can do? We try not to take it too personally. But, hey - we love hanging out with Charlie too!!!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Seahawk Fans
Well, I may get flack from our Buffalo family for this post. However, Charlie has become a bit of a Seahawk fan. He is often caught saying: "No! Not another injury. How many seasons can they blame things on injuries?" (He has learned that one from his dad.) So, until the threatened jersey arrives from Buffalo - he is a Seahawk fan. We often watch the Seahawks with our friends Rupert, Dana and Emmett. Here are a few pictures of Emmett and Charlie cheering on their team.
The sunglasses
We were given a pair of blue sunglasses by my mother before Charlie was born. His little blue eyes get sensitive to light, so we often put the glasses on him when we go out. He doesn't seem to mind. Charlie has only once pulled them off when we were at a park. I thought I would post a few of the pictures because they are quite precious.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Newman Lake Vacation
Back in August the three of us spent almost two weeks an Newman Lake. We so loved spending time together as a family and introducing Charlie to the joys of the Butterfly cabin. Charlie took a few dips into the lake, loved being outside looking at the leaves, sky and everything else, taking evening walks, visiting with extended family, and taking a boat cruise. This was precious time that we will always be grateful for having.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Poor little sick guy!
It has been a while since I have posted. So, I'll do a little updating. Earlier this summer Charlie had his first viral infection. Boy, we were so careful, but he still caught a bug. Well, this infection turned into what was diagnosed as pink eye. His eye looks better here than it did at some points.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Charlie turns 3 months today!
Today Charlie enters into his third month of life. I'm so blessed to be home with him again this month. We get another month of playing and growing up. I'm so happy. Well, today we have had some fun playing (and many tears trying to get to sleep). Here are a few pictures of Charlie at three months. The little yellow and black striped outfit seems so boy. I'm really starting to enjoy getting him dressed in cute boy outfits.
Spokane & Newman Lake
Charlie had quite the adventure last weekend. First, he took his first ever plane ride. He acted like a pro as he was happy all but one moment and flirted with folks on the plane. We were able to time things right on the way there so that he nursed during take off and then he slept on the way home. It helps that it was only a 40 minute flight. While in Spokane, we met with GG (Grandma Dorie) and Auntie Marian and then headed to the family cabin on Newman. Charlie had so much fun with his extended family and being at the lake. Tom and my mom put him in the lake while I was out with my sister Kristin, so I missed his first dip into the lake. At the end of the weekend, we were finally able to meet Uncle Will and Erin. Yippee!! Charlie really enjoyed meeting them. The beard didn't throw him off at all. Here are a few pics from that trip.
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