Monday, August 12, 2013

Mother's Day Adventure to Bremerton

My one request was that we have a family adventure for Mother's Day. Tom decided on Bremerton with a fun ferry ride, yummy brunch and lots of laughter and fun. 
 Gabe was asleep on the ferry ride. So, I got to have some alone time with Charlie up inside the ferry. We enjoyed the winding path the ferry took. Charlie ate an entire bag of Cheetos on the ride. A special treat. That is what is in his mouth in this photo.
 Once in Bremerton we found a small park and beach that we played at for a while. The boys had lots of fun throwing rocks in the water and laughing with their parents.

 Charlie was an artist at Anthony's. He held up this drawing and informed us that we could keep it to hold up at the Thunderbirds Hockey game when he is a player. He did tell us we will need to sit up high, because he isn't going to be able to give us tickets down low. But, we can use this to cheer him on. Very adorable!
 Gabriel decided to play hide and seek with his napkin. All in all, this was a really fun brunch. You never know with this crew what you will get, but this one was enjoyable.
 This was a great park to wind up our time in Bremerton. Tom climbed to the top of this large rock with the boys. Aren't they all cute? I think so.

Charlie's 4th Birthday Party

Although this party took place back in May, its being posted in August. Yikes, this summer has flown by without me posting pictures on here. I'll try to catch up! Charlie had tons of fun having friends from school and friends/family from other parts of our lives join us to help him celebrate with an "Airport" theme. 
 Playing in the front yard with his new birthday gift from Nonnie & Boppa.
 These are two of his school friends - Dalton and Sebastian. Dalton and Charlie were best buds all year. It is sad as Dalton graduated and will be in kindergarten next year. He will be missed by Charlie.
 I had lots of great ideas when making the runway cake. However, Gabe needed an urgent bath right around cake decorating time. So, Charlie decorated the cake all by himself. Is is supposed to be a runway with grass down both sides. I do love the finished product though!
 We had a rocket piƱata. Charlie took the first swing.
 Here is Gabe taking a turn at the "bat".
 I think Ella or Maddy broke it open. The kiddo dive for candy!
 Getting ready to sing Happy Birthday to the birthday boy.
Tom gets to hold him as everyone sings to him.