Our last few weeks have been crazy, scary and at moments very fun. We began with Gabriel at his two week check-up having our doctor say he sounded congested. He suctioned lots of yellow snot out of him and noticed that his respiration rate was fast. He asked us to follow-up the next morning at another pediatrician who was open on Sunday. That pediatrician sent us to the Swedish ER to check out his heart and other organs. Here is a picture of Gabriel below at Swedish getting an EKG. All tests were negative and we were sent home feeling pretty good that it was just a respiratory bug.
With Gabe healing, the snow falling outside and dad having a "snow day" from work, Charlie made a request that we play in the snow. All three of us bundled up and headed outside. Nonnie and Gabriel stayed in our warm home. Here we are getting ready to head out.The next day, Seattle had an ice storm. After noticing several trees with limbs falling in our yard, Tom came home from work and joined us for a picnic in our front room. Here is a shot of the two people who put together the picnic.
Gabriel and Tom had a great nap on the couch. Then, our power went out. After frantically calling around looking for a hotel room for three adults, Charlie and a sick baby, Tom was able to secure a room in downtown Seattle. On our way there, I called the pediatrician to see what to do about Gabe. His eyes were not looking good. We were instructed to take him to the doctor. So, we had our second trip to the Swedish ER. Turns out he had an eye infection, which needed antibiotics. No fun!
Here we are after a long night in the hotel. Charlie looks much more rested than Tom in this picture. However, he was not rested at all. He didn't fall asleep until 9:30 and was up at 6.
Nonnie is looking good for staying the night with the four of us in a small hotel room!
Here is a shot of Gabe after a dose of the eye medicine. This is day five of the medicine.