Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Last Friday, Charlie and I had an outing at the Seattle Aquarium. The picture below is how we ended the morning. Clearly, he wore himself out running around and keeping mom very busy.
Here he is posing at lunch, after the aquarium. He was a big guy sitting all by himself.
This picture is pretty fitting for how we went through most of the aquarium. For some reason, pushing the stroller is so much more fun than riding in it.
Charlie enjoyed this board for the first time. Putting up the animals and having them stay up was pretty neat.
Charlie was very agreeable to posing on the seal bench for mom. We spent almost 30 minutes watching the seals swim while eating our snack. So, it is fitting that this is the best picture of the morning.

Summer time in the sprinkler

The other night after work and daycare, Charlie asked if he could play in the water. It was my night to get wet with him. Here are a few shots of us getting very, very wet.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Blueberry picking 2011

Our friends, Dana and Emmett, joined us to pick blueberries. Emmett and Charlie enjoyed themselves, but certainly didn't pick as many blueberries as their parents. Here is a picture of the buddies posing for the camera in a row of blueberry bushes.
Charlie loves to ask Emmett to hold hands. Pretty dang cute.
If you look closely at Charlie's face, you will see a scratch. That boy enjoyed rolling around in the long grass between the bushes and basically being a boy in nature. We found tons of grass and scratches all over his body when we got home. Crazy, crazy guy! Maybe it was all the blueberries that he ate throughout the morning, who knows.
I actually caught him picking berries! Most berries he picked either went straight into his mouth or were thrown into the grass.

Horse Riding

We spend lots of time in the morning reading books. Lately, Charlie has taken to riding on dad and calling it a horse ride. I think that Charlie enjoys this a bit more than Tom. Especially those times that Charlie has attempted to ride the horse while naked!

Play Dough & Dishes

Last Monday, I quickly needed to change my plans for the water park into something else. This crazy Seattle summer brought us rain that day. So, Charlie and I made play dough and had lots of fun creating all kinds of shapes with scissors.

Do notice the guitar pajamas. Charlie would wear a guitar clothing item all the time if he could. Sometimes it is very difficult to get him to understand that the guitar pants are for night time, not the day.
Charlie has really been into doing the dishes with momma. When Tom is doing the dishes, he usually isn't quite as excited. I think mom lets him get water all over the place much more than dad does as he is more into getting them washed fast. Anyway, here is a picture of Charlie enjoying naked time and the dishes.
As you can see, we have lots of different sprays out when Charlie and Mom do the dishes. Charlie likes to spray the floor when water gets on it so it will be really, really clean.
Charlie is all on his own for this dish washing!