Sunday, November 14, 2010

Playing at home

Here are a few more videos from the last week. I attempted to edit these down into a small clip, which I hope works. There were a few naked videos of Charlie on his new slide and running through his dad's legs, that didn't make the public publishing of this clip. This is the censored version. Enjoy.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Playing time

Charlie and I had a play date last Monday with Emmett and his mommy. All of us had such a great time. These boys played and played. Lunch was eaten, but they also had fun playing footsie and flirting with each other. Charlie and Emmett also finger painted in the nude and shared a bath tub for a while. At the end of the play date, Charlie went to his room for a nap. Charlie and Emmett called to each other for a while through the door. Emmett can say Charlie, so it was so dang cute!

We had a lovely fall day today, so Tom and Charlie put on their caps, grabbed a ball and headed to the park. I caught them on the way out the door.

Football fans

Tom and Charlie were watching the Seahawks and there was lots of "booing" going on, so I grabbed my still camera (the one with the charged battery) and took a mini movie. I have finally figured how to post videos on this site. Vocabulary is growing in our household as this video shows.