Saturday, October 23, 2010

Haircut & Coloring

Recently we realized that it was probably time for the first haircut. Seventeen months old and the hair was getting a little shaggy. Tom was brave enough to do the honors. Charlie did a great job staying still. He just struggled when the clippers got close to his ears as he really wanted to look at what was vibrating on his head.

I rearranged Charlie's room to make space for the table that his Grandpa Bud and Grandma Patsy bought for his first birthday. He has loved coloring, eating, and just playing on his own table. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for a very fun spot for your grandson. We will certainly get you a few pieces of his artwork soon.
On a side note, Charlie has become a true blanket boy. He doesn't want to go anywhere without his blankets. Often, if he can find all of his 4 blankets, you can find him wandering around the house with a big ball. Pretty funny.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Oh, the joys of puddle playing

I wish I could figure out how to get these pictures in the right order. Oh, well. We had a really rainy day today. Enough so that our front accumulated several puddles. Because of this, Charlie was able to experience his first puddles. I think I had about as much fun watching him as he did running and splashing. This first picture is from after the playing.

Below is the biggest puddle of the day. Boy, he got wet!
A rare look at mom for a picture, but he didn't stop running.
Tom escaped some yard work today. If it had been sunny, that hedge would be trimmed. (tom just chimed in that he did yard work today. That is true, just not the hedge trimming he had planned.)


Recently, Charlie has really gotten into climbing all over furniture, his parents, and pretty much anything else he can find. One afternoon we brought his small stroller inside and let him have fun. I brought the camera out to capture a few of these moments. If you can't tell, Charlie is beginning to love posing for the camera.