Saturday, August 28, 2010

New Couch

Tom observed that Charlie could use his own chair. We finally got him a little couch yesterday. He has been screaming and getting so wound up playing with this chair. I took several pictures that I'm not able to post here as the little guy is naked. However, there are several that show how much fun he is having.

August Celebrations

August has been a month of family gatherings and parties for the Seattle Wagner clan. I did not take many pictures at the wedding celebration for Will and Erin. However, I really like this picture of Madeline and Ella singing "Froggy Went a Courting". They did an awesome job!

This past weekend, we spent our time in Spokane celebrating Grammy Dorie's 90th birthday. There were numerous parties and a small photo shoot. This is a shot of Charlie looking at the fountain at the Davenport Hotel, where we had a wonderful lunch.
Here is most of the family that gathered. As you can tell, this was not Charlie's favorite part of the weekend.
Charlie devoured a bowl of whip cream. The evidence is below.

Play time under the table.
Charlie was scared of this statue. We thought we would get a great picture of Madeline and Charlie on this bench. We were wrong once again.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Food. Food. Glorious food.

Well, we have gone to see the Pediatric Endocrinologist and have established a relationship with Dr. Kletter. Although little Charlie was not given a diagnosis, he is certainly delayed in his growth. One of the things that the doctor told us to do was to attempt to increase his food intake. We are working on meal times as well as allowing him to graze as often as he desires. He is one messy eater these days. Yesterday he posed for me at the end of his meal. Every time the camera came out, he smiled and laughed. We had great fun. Here are a few of those shots. As a random tidbit, the food on his tray is gluten free pizza, yogurt, baked beans and chips. He is really digging the baked beans and grilled onions from the pizza.