Monday, January 18, 2010

Crawling boy

Charlie has begun to crawl around in his own style. He scoots around backwards, often getting stuck in corners of the room. We know it is just a matter of time before he can go forwards. So, childproofing is happening at the Wagner home. Here are a few shots of him on the floor moving around.

Turtle backpack

This past Christmas, Charlie was given a turtle backpack from a cousin in Norway. He has had quite a bit of fun playing and trying on his backpack. These are just a few shots from his play. It is rather cute as he becomes a turtle with the little hat that is hidden inside.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

First Catch

Tom has been dreaming about playing catch with Charlie since the day we found out we were having a boy. I have heard tons about the catch to come. Well, the day finally came. Pretty early if you ask me. But, a little while ago I walked into the room to find a dad with a huge grin on his face throwing a ball with his son. Charlie was giggling and laughing each time he touched the ball. Of course, it was a very rudementary game, but catch none-the-less. Here are a few shots from that morning as well as one with Charlie practicing his crawl. He is almost a crawler, but not quite yet.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Holiday times part 3

Here is our last Holiday post. We don't have any pictures of our actual Christmas as I left my camera at my cousins home on Christmas Eve. However, I do have a few shots from Christmas Eve with Charlie in his Christmas outfit being loved by his aunt and cousin and a new discovery of spoons. He can be occupied while we eat a meal just with one spoon. Awesome!!

Holiday times part 2

Charlie got to see Christmas a little early at our home. We let him open his gifts from his parents and Buffalo grandparents before we headed to Spokane. He had tons of fun playing with ribbons and paper while Tom and I opened his gifts for him. I'm pretty sure this is the last year we will be opening his gifts. Here are a few shots from that morning.

Holiday times

Our first holiday season has come and gone with the little guy. Before we left for Spokane we had good friends over for a holiday meal and to celebrate a new birth coming later this month. This will make the 5th baby in this particular group of friends. The first picture is with all the babies/kids: Auggie, Rose, Emmett and Charlie. The second includes the baby to be inside his/her mommy (our friend Eileen). It sure is hard to get that many kids to all look at one camera or have their eyes open!

We scored!!

Now that Charlie has started on solids, we have been attempting to get him to drink some fluids. I wish I got a few shots of him drinking water or diluted apple juice out of a bottle or sippy cup. It is pretty dang funny as he chokes and looks at us like we are crazy. However, you take the lid off and he is happy as a clam drinking like a big kid. Well, I think we have solved our struggles with keeping him hydrated...Starbucks came to our rescue with this bottle that is very grown-up and he can take a swig from. In this picture Tom is helping him hold the bottle, but he can do it by himself. Our little independent guy loves that. Plus, it is easy to open and close, so hopefully soon he can get that down.