Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Odds and Ends

So much has happened in the last few weeks that I have been wanting to post. It has been a tough few weeks for me as I have gone back to work. Luckily, Tom and I have been able to figure out a way for me to stay at home for August. I'm so looking forward to getting this little guy a little bit bigger and spending more time with him. But, for the last several weeks, Charlie has been spending time with grandmothers and aunts while I'm at work. I didn't get a picture with Grandma Patsy (too stressed, sad and worried about a fussy baby), but here are a few others. The one with Charlie naked is him finally sucking his thumb. We think this is going to be something that he is going to really enjoy in the near future.

I love my towel Grandma and Grandpa Wagner sent!

Charlie is a fan of bath time. What makes bath time even more fun is wrapping him in his blue fish towel from Grandpa and Grandma Wagner. How did they know that it would highlight his blue eyes so well? Blue is certainly his color.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Aunt Kristin and the girls visit Charlie

I'm a bit late in getting this post up. Aunt Kristin came to visit us the other weekend. We had lots of fun with her and it was wonderful to see her get to know Charlie a bit more. She is an experienced mom, so she just jumped right in and agreed to watch him so that Tom and I could get some time together. We so appreciated the time she spent with us. Before she left, her two children got to come spend some time with Charlie. He was enthralled with them and probably would have stayed up all day to look at them. Madeline and Ella are great older cousins and I look forward to their relationship development. Here are some pictures from that time. I could not resist posting a picture of Charlie and Kristin napping together! Sorry Kik.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Tummy Time

Charlie gets hot quite easily. So, after bath time, we decided to do tummy time before getting dressed. He had a good time and drooled all over this mat. Attached are a few pictures from this time. Since he is sleeping in his bouncy chair, which reduces his reflux, tummy and back time are especially important for his little muscles.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Grandpa Bud and Grandma Patsy

Here is a cute picture of Grandpa Bud and Grandma Patsy getting to play and get to know little Charlie again. It had been a while since they had seen eachother, so it was especially great that they got to come for Tom's birthday dinner. Now, Grandma Patsy is going to stay with us and be with Charlie when I return to work this week. Thank you very much!

Tom's birthday, Fourth of July & Two months

Charlie has made the two month mark. This is bittersweet for me as I must return to work this week. Not something I'm looking forward to as I truly love spending my days with Charlie. This has been blessed, sacred time that I'm so grateful for and am very happy that Tom too will get to spend two month with Charlie starting in August.

This past week has been busy as we creeped up on Tom's 40th Birthday. Charlie and I ran several errands to get "40 of something" for Tom as well as food for a 4th of July bbq and then family birthday dinner. All went very well and we had a lot of fun. Charlie wore himself out and has been catching up on his sleep.

This past Friday also was Charlie's 2 month checkup. He weighs 11.85 lbs and is 21 1/2 inches. He is average in weight, but is a shorty at the moment. Who knows if that will continue. Charlie also got a series of shots at the doctors. He certainly responded and was very fussy and had a fever. He clearly wasn't feeling well. Luckily, that only lasted for a day.

Included in this post are pictures from our bbq with friends, a picture of Charlie with his new friend Emmett, Charlie sleeping with daddy and our family2 month picture.